Ayodo shares a mandate with many affiliated and non-affiliated organizations. Visit and learn from educational resources on the
world wide web or start by viewing the videos below.
![]() Dedicated to making Mojoloop a reality around the globe. Moja.uno builds Fintech products for everyone.
![]() Ayodo's own Blog ![]() The World Bank monitors and tracks remittance volumes and remittance fees on a global basis by country or remittance channels.
![]() 9 Billion Lives is an impact enterprise working to systematically identify, scale and accelerate innovations with big impact potential to enable breakthrough change.
![]() NextBillion Net is a community of business leaders, social entrepreneurs, NGO managers, policy makers, academics and others exploring the connection between development and enterprise.
Global Financial Integrity![]() American advocacy group, drew on data from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund on external debt and trade mis-pricing to calculate illicit capital leakage. The study measures the illicit financial flows out of 160 different developing nations. In total, the group estimates the developing world lost $8.44 trillion from 2000 to 2010.
The Consultative Group to Assist the Poor ![]() About half of the households in the world have no access to a bank account. Consequently the poor must rely on informal financial services that may be more costly and less reliable. This inequality robs people, especially the poor and most vulnerable, of important options to manage their irregular cash flows and smooth consumption. At the more macro level, low levels of financial inclusion represent an obstacle to economic development.
https://www.findevgateway.org/es/acerca-de-findev Donor Committe for Enterprise Development![]() The central idea is that the poor are dependent on market systems for their livelihoods. Therefore changing those market systems to work more effectively and sustainably for the poor will improve their livelihoods and consequently reduce poverty.