MOJA.UNO a multi-factor authentication based on face typing (FT) for secure payments and money transfer. A crowd sourced project for an open sourced merchant centric product protecting & preserving personal privacy. No mobile ? No bank account? No problem, we can serve everyone and anyone on the planet with better finanical and digital inclusion without risking invasion of privacy. DID with biometric on Chain. Mojauno is a project initiated by Ayodo Foundation to foster industry collaboration in promotion of innovative and visionary bio-metric based authentication tokens for mobile and internet commerce. The processing power of today's mobile digital devices when combined with advanced digital signal processing and advanced optical sensors allows for the creation of highly secure one-time-use identity tokens for all types of digital exchange. We are unique in allowing digitally excluded persons to leverage our services over merchant controlled internet enable POS systems. Of course our products may be used on your mobile device, however, we allow individuals without a mobile to leverage the merchant's POS device for both payment and money transfer using nothing more than a MQR digital identity on printed labels costing mere pennies to deploy. This makes them so affordable that they may be used on a one-time-use basis wihch again provides better security. You can think of MQR as a crypto wallet for the Digitally excluded.
Collaborate to perfect deeply ingrained standardized multi-factor authentication based on face types (FT), allowing individuals to be positively authenticated while remaining anonymous. Facial recognition is considered the least intrusive bio-metric identifier. Using face contours captured in less than a second, the authentication product we are developing is not a facial recognition product. We use only a minimal sub-set of data (UMAP) to create a reliable identity token thus protecting an individual's privacy. Vision systems are used to quickly and simultaneously extract datum of both payor FACE TYPE (FT) and payor account details. Render the face-type ineffective, in this two-part authentication process by simply concealing (or not presenting) the QR code. Authentication should be voluntary and for verification only - never for surveillance. Authentication with anonymity
We all need better, more secure and more convenient methods of authenticating ourselves in order for digital commerce to expand and grow. Share your expertise and your resources freely, to create a more trusted more prosperous world, while preserving personal privacy.
Ayodo supports the concept of Self Soverign Identity (SSI) for an individual's biometric tokens. Visit the Sovrin website
Ayodo also supports Amnesty International's Ban the Scan initiative to prevent pervasive intrusive facial recognition to monitor citizens
Collaborate to perfect deeply ingrained standardized multi-factor authentication based on face types (FT), allowing individuals to be positively authenticated while remaining anonymous. Facial recognition is considered the least intrusive bio-metric identifier. Using face contours captured in less than a second, the authentication product we are developing is not a facial recognition product. We use only a minimal sub-set of data (UMAP) to create a reliable identity token thus protecting an individual's privacy. Vision systems are used to quickly and simultaneously extract datum of both payor FACE TYPE (FT) and payor account details. Render the face-type ineffective, in this two-part authentication process by simply concealing (or not presenting) the QR code. Authentication should be voluntary and for verification only - never for surveillance. Authentication with anonymity
We all need better, more secure and more convenient methods of authenticating ourselves in order for digital commerce to expand and grow. Share your expertise and your resources freely, to create a more trusted more prosperous world, while preserving personal privacy.
Ayodo supports the concept of Self Soverign Identity (SSI) for an individual's biometric tokens. Visit the Sovrin website
Ayodo also supports Amnesty International's Ban the Scan initiative to prevent pervasive intrusive facial recognition to monitor citizens